Accredia / Communication / Publications


Releases and brochures

Accredia makes available also other prominent brochures and materials on various topics.

Accredia provides, for consultation purposes, a range of brochures and other materials produced by other organizations, associations and institutions in the field of accreditation.

A set of information at the service of quality professionals and all those who want to know the world of accredited services and the concrete benefits offered by the accreditation system.

EA MLA Report 2023

Published the EA MLA Report on activities of 2023 within the Multilateral Agreements.

The document summarizes the activities performed by EA and its Members in 2023 within the Multilateral Agreements, illustrates the goals achieved and the challenges expected for the future.

EA Annual Report 2023

Published the EA Annual Report on activities 2023.

The document summarizes the milestones and developments achieved in 2023, reinforcing the principles of respect, non-discrimination and brand protection, and looking ahead to 2024.

Sustainable Development Goals

A brochure released by UNIDO to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UNIDO is fully committed to contributing to the achievement of the SDGs.

Quality & Standards to face COVID-19

Analysis conducted by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

This document contains a first analysis conducted by UNIDO in April 2020 as a consequence of the global outbreak of COVID-19, related to the application of quality and standards.