What is accreditation

A garantee that gives confidence

Accreditation ensures that certification, inspection and verification bodies, and testing and calibration laboratories, fulfill the requirements of the standards to undertake conformity assessment activities.

Accreditation is the attestation, by an independent body, of the competence and impartiality of bodies that issue certification, inspection and verification, and of testing and calibration laboratories.

Bodies and laboratories carrying out conformity assessment activities verify products, materials, services, management systems or professional figures, and issue certificates of conformity and calibration, verification declarations, test, analysis and inspection reports.

Accredia grants accreditation to bodies and laboratories upon completion of an in-depth assessment process of all requirements necessary to perform conformity assessment activities.

Accreditation gives certificates of conformity and calibration, verification declarations, and test, analysis and inspection reports a high degree of reliability in terms of quality and safety of the goods and services being verified, and ensures their recognition on international markets.

Worldwide, accreditation is performed on the basis of the international standard ISO/IEC 17011 “Conformity assessment – Requirements for accrediting conformity assessment bodies”. Within the European Union, accreditation has a legal status and is recognized as an expression of public authority by the European Regulation EC 765/2008, which stipulates that each Member State shall appoint its own single national accreditation body.

Accredia is the Single Accreditation Body appointed by the Italian Government.


Reliable conformity assessment services, quality and safety of goods and services, healthy competitiveness in the markets, support to institutions, consumer and environmental protection.

Accreditation pursues the following objectives in the public interest:

  • Ensuring the reliability of certifications, inspections, tests and calibrations issued on the market by accredited bodies and laboratories.
  • To nurture confidence in the quality and safety of goods and services certified and tested under accreditation.
  • Promote the development of the entire economic and social system, and support the competitiveness of certified companies also on international markets.
  • Support institutions in the implementation of effective policies, contributing to the simplification of bureaucratic procedures and the optimisation of verification and control processes.
  • Carrying out an activity of social relevance, safeguarding fundamental values such as consumer health and environmental protection.


The international standard ISO/IEC 17011 and EC Regulation 765/2008 define the fundamental principles of accreditation, making it an effective tool at the service of institutions and companies.


Technical officers and assessors involved in accreditation follow regular training and refresher programmes to constantly ensure the high level of the accreditation service.


Assessment teams are set up by Accredia after careful evaluation of the assessors’ independence from the body or laboratory seeking accreditation.


Accredia’s members are guaranteed a balanced representation of direct and indirect interests in accreditation and conformity assessment activities.


Accreditation is carried out in a transparent manner and is based on consensus-built rules, which are the subject of constant monitoring based on the consensus of all interested parties.

Accreditation and certification

Both are conformity assessment activities, which differ in terms of the parties involved, areas of competence and reference standards.


Accreditation is issued by bodies operating in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17011 and other mandatory rules. It certifies the competence and impartiality of bodies and laboratories performing conformity assessment activities. Accreditation does not directly concern goods or services, products or instruments.


Certification is issued by a certification body. It certifies the conformity of products, services, management systems and persons with the requirements of specific technical standards and any mandatory requirements. It does not guarantee compliance with ethical principles. Accredited certification is issued by bodies that have obtained accreditation.

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