• Accredia "Osservatorio"

Cybersecurity and data protection: the role of accredited certification

Author Accredia - CINI
Publication date 14 Nov 2022

Cybersecurity has taken on a leading role in the agenda of governments, institutions and companies, becoming one of the priorities of the countries of the European Union. With the development of the digital society and the prevalence of ICT services, the issue of cybersecurity now performs a strategic role; it is a problem that needs to be tackled seriously, in order to ensure the correct protection of data, applications and systems, by all types of organisations, both public and private, but also by individual citizens.

The analyses contained in the study by the Accredia Osservatorio "Cybersecurity and data protection: the role of accredited certification", realized together with the Cybersecurity National Lab of CINI, provide useful elements in support of the principle according to which the assessment of conformity with technical standards, strengthened by accreditation, represent enabling factors for cybersecurity, playing a decisive part in the current digital transformation process of society.



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