How to get accreditation

The path to be accredited

Bodies and laboratories can apply for accreditation for all schemes and sectors managed by Accredia. Accredia initiates the evaluation process.

Accreditation is granted to bodies and laboratories that meet the requirements of the voluntary and mandatory standards applicable to the specific scheme and sector of activities.
Accredia verifies compliance with the requirements through a thorough evaluation process, which includes an initial assessment and periodic surveillance.
Accredited bodies and laboratories can issue conformity and calibration certificates, verification declarations, test, analysis and inspection reports with the Accredia accreditation mark on them.

Who we accredit

Accreditation can be requested by bodies and laboratories to perform all conformity assessment activities.

Certification bodies for management systems

Certification bodies can apply for accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17021-1 to certify organizations/companies for quality, environmental, health and safety, information security, etc. management systems

Certification bodies

Certification bodies may apply for accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17024 to certify professionals, including non-regulated professions within the meaning of Law 4/2013.

Certification bodies for products and services

Certification bodies may seek accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17065 to certify products and services in a variety of sectors, both regulated and non-regulated.

Inspection bodies

Inspection bodies obtain accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17020, to inspect products, services, processes or facilities, as Type A, Type B or Type C bodies, depending on their organizational independence.

Verification and validation bodies

Verification and validation bodies are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17029, to verify and validate claims of public and private organizations in all sectors, from environment to energy, from nutrition to health.

Testing laboratories

Laboratories can seek accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025, to demonstrate that they carry out testing correctly and competently and offer the market accurate and reliable results in all sectors.

Medical laboratories

Medical testing laboratories and Point of Care Testing (POCT) obtain accreditation according to ISO 15189, to ensure the adequacy of the management system and technical competence to support diagnosis and treatment processes.

Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing Providers

Proficiency Testing Providers (PTP) are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17043, to organize circuits that enable laboratories to compare and improve the level of technical performance and ensure the quality of results.

Calibration laboratories

Laboratories may seek accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025, to ensure that they carry out calibrations using appropriate instruments and with technically competent personnel, ensuring metrological traceability.

Reference Material Producers

Reference Material Producers (RMP) obtain accreditation according to ISO 17034, to demonstrate competence in the production of reference materials used for the calibration of instruments or as reference standards.

Medical Reference Measurement Laboratories

Measurement laboratories are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15195, to guarantee the correct performance of reference calibrations in the area of laboratory medicine, ensuring metrological traceability.


Biobanks can apply for accreditation according to ISO 20387 to ensure the quality of the biological material they store and distribute and the data associated with it, for research and development purposes.

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