Accredia / About us / Transparency / Management bodies

Management bodies

Accredia’s bodies

This section contains Accredia’s bodies and the main organizational aspects as set out in the Accredia statute.

  • Members’ Assembly
  • Directive Council
  • Executive Committee
  • President
  • Committee for Accreditation
  • Steering and Guarantee Committee
  • Board of Auditors
  • Appeals Commission
  • General Director

Policy and management

  • The organization chart of Accredia is published in the section Organization.
  • The list of representatives in Accredia statutory bodies is published in the section Organization – Top management and Institutional bodies.
  • The Directive Council is the political, administrative and management body of Accredia (Articles 13 e 14, Accredia Statute ST-00).
  • The term of office of Council member of Accredia is three years. A member of the Directive Council elected during the three-year term stops together with the others in office.
  • The list of members of Accredia Directive Council is published in table format with indication of the date of appointment and the body responsible for the appointment.
  • The General Regulation RG-10 for payments and reimbursements of the member of Accredia Directive Council is published in a documentary form.

Payments for the office:

  • President – 55.000,00 euros (annual)
  • Vice President – 22.000,00 euros (annual)
  • Council member – 250,00 euros (reimbursement)